Sean在高中时,组建了校数学队并担任数学队队长,帮助同学争取到更多学习数学的资源。 Sean还当任学校乒乓球队队长, 除了在纽约公立学校体育联盟中连续3年取得个人冠军外还带领校队3次进入团体赛决赛。 Sean 积极参与国内外各大乒乓球赛事并取得了许多奖项。2021年入选美国青少年乒乓球队队员。2023荣获总统义工奖。 Sean除了有出色的领导能力外,他并把自己对数学和乒乓球的热爱投入到服务社区中。他利用周末和课余时间在AYTTO(美国青少年乒乓球中心)担任义工教练,普及美国青少年乒乓球这项运动, 参与AYTTO帮助土耳其地震后残疾儿童的募捐活动并成功筹得捐款。他在社区帮助患有帕金森的年长者练习乒乓球,提高他们的运动能力;在HelpYourMath 的免费数学教育平台担任青少年义工组织者。鼓励青少年积极参与义工活动。
Jennifer He (何杰怡) 作为Soul Supplies的联合主席,一家专注于向乔治亚州亚特兰大无家可归者提供帮助的非营利组织,她成功筹集了超过8000美元,并分发了超过700个装有学校用品的背包,帮助低收入家庭的青少年学习生活,同时还给无家可归的流浪者提供了温暖的冬季物品和健康卫生食品。 Jennifer还积极致力于在社区中传播古典文化。她被选为2023-2024年乔治亚州青少年古典文化联盟的州主席,组织了多场活动,以推广古典文化的魅力,并成功在Emory大学举办了一场吸引超过2000名与会者的全国性活动。在她所在的社区,持续多年为6到9年级的学生举办文化夏令营,并在当地图书馆组织了神话故事时间,激发年轻人对古典文化的兴趣。 除了对社区服务的热忱,Jennifer在科学和艺术领域也展现了卓越的才华。作为STEM领域的成员,她担任学校STEM的主席,还在DECA中担任会员与外联主任,并且是科学奥林匹克的副队长,在哈佛科学奥林匹克全国大赛中屡获佳绩。此外,她还参加了Certamen和拉丁学术竞赛,并多次在哈佛和耶鲁大学全国的比赛中取得了第一名的优异成绩。同时作为一名喜欢艺术的学生,Jennifer获得了多个Scholarstic Arts 金钥匙学术艺术与设计奖,2024年被U.S. Presidential Scholars Program入选为semifinalist,以嘉奖她在艺术,学术、公共服务和领导力方面的才华。
Alexis从小学开始就热心参加公益活动并服务社区。 她和她的伙伴一起于2021年共同创办了非盈利性组织Open Arm,专注于为特殊需求的儿童提供服务。 三年以来在她和团队的共同努力下, 志愿者的队伍从8人扩大到现在的80人以上, 影响范围也从最初的华裔圈扩大到了包括各族裔的大社区。同时她也是公益组织AYLUS North Fulton的联合创始人和副主席, 组织了多项帮助贫困儿童获得食品和医疗用品的活动。 多年来扎实的公益活动经验帮助Alexis磨练出了杰出的领导力。 她连续三年入选21世纪领袖夏季青年领导力研讨会, 并且被评选成为2024-2025 年度21世纪未来领袖组织的佐治亚州青年大使。她还是学校OpenArm俱乐部的联合创始人和主席。她热心地帮助组织了旨在锻炼华裔青少年领导力和公众演讲能力的明日之光演讲比赛, 并担任青年评委。 深耕社区服务的同时, Alexis在学校保持着优异的学习成绩, 并在艺术写作和演讲方面有着广泛的兴趣并取得了很多优异成绩。 她参与设计的科研项目获选进入佐治亚理工学院的CEISMIC研讨会。她多次在Scholarstic Art艺术与设计比赛和各演讲比赛中获奖, 并且三次代表所在高中参加Forsyth County 的高中艺术荣誉活动。她把她的课外专长应用在了社区服务里, 把对艺术的热爱倾注在公益活动里. 她希望能够影响和鼓励更多的人为公益事业贡献力量。
AElla Liu对舞蹈有浓厚的兴趣,并在全国及国际比赛中获得大奖,每年都收到很多专业舞团或舞蹈学校授予的奖学金。同时也擅长公共演讲及辩论,在全国及州辩论比赛中获得奖项,并连续多年担任大型晚会及比赛主持人。 Ella热心公益,希望用自己所长帮助更多人。她是Kidstoastmasters创办人及主席,致力于帮助华二代提高表达能力及自信心,kidstoastmasters小学员在演讲比赛中受到大家一致好评。该公益组织至今已募集$7000,将用于帮助非洲小朋友建立芭蕾舞蹈教室,并带领Dreambulider团队义务教非洲小朋友芭蕾舞。Ella还是MSDA的Jr. staff Club联合主席,带领club成员成功举办各种公益活动及教小孩子舞蹈,她们每年还积极为Clark’s Christmas Kids募捐,去年募集资金达$5000。 Ella在学校里除了保持优异的成绩,还展现了领导力。她今年成功竞选为校学生会executive board,她也是学校Books for a Purpose club的联合主席,积极投身于学校的各项活动中。
Alice Liu将对科学研究与服务多样化社区充满热情,并有志于从事成为一名医疗工作者。Alice毕业与Farragut High School。在校期间,她在社区服务方面展现了卓越的领导力。 Alice是National Honor Society(NHS, 国家荣誉学会)主席,并荣获了著名的NHS奖学金,以表彰她其在社区服务和学术方面的杰出表现。Alice同时担任National Arts Honor Society(NAHS, 国家艺术荣誉学会)主席,成功扩大了“Empty Bowls”慈善活动的影响,并将筹款额在两年内翻倍,为数百个贫困家庭提供了数千美元的餐食资金。Alice还发起并组织了Widowed Parent Relief Project筹款活动,为社区的单亲家庭提供财务和情感支持。富有同情心和对医学充满的热情的Alice曾多次参加East Tennessee Children’s Hospital的志愿者服务。 Alice在2024年被U.S. Presidential Scholars Program入选为semifinalist,以嘉奖她在学术、公共服务和领导力方面的卓越潜质。同年, 她被National Youth Science Camp选为田纳西州的代表,与来自全球的同龄人共同探索科学的前沿。 Alice的艺术天赋同样出众。她曾被选为2022年Tennessee Governor’s School for the Arts的七名钢琴家之一。在为期一个月的强化培训中,她跟随著名导师学习钢琴,并与杰出的音乐家合作表演。在闲余时间,Alice喜欢旅游,与家人朋友共度美好时光,并坚持练习钢琴和网球。
Anya Zhang is a freshman at Harvard University and is planning to concentrate in mechanical engineering with a secondary in history of art and architecture. She was a New York Times STEM Writing Contest Winner and a recipient of accolades from Scholastic Art and Writing Awards and YoungArts. Anya was involved with speech debate, serving as co-president for her high school team, being selected twice for Western Ohio’s World Schools Debate Team, and making it seven times to national-level tournaments. She also participated in robotics, where she and her team became the Runner-Up for the Global Innovation Award and filed a patent for their winning project. Outside of school, she also did artistic swimming, serving in multiple national-level positions and placing in the top 12 eight times at national-level competitions – including a bronze medal finish in the Senior Solo division. Anya is also passionate about equity and service initiatives, whether it is conducting an internship with the local economic development department or designing a speech and debate website for Ohio For Equity.
Phoebe-Yuxin Tian is a current freshman at Harvard College, who is dual enrolling in Berklee College of Music. She plans on concentrating in economics and philosophy at Harvard, while studying vocal performance and music production at Berklee. She’s passionate about music and channels her creative energy through singing, songwriting, playing instruments allowing her to have complete artistic direction in her endeavors. She has won various competitions and awards: first place at the 2021 We Sing Pop International Competition, first place at National Federation of Music Clubs Junior Composers Contest Massachusetts, the “We All Belong” award in Lexington, the Gold Presidential Service Award, etc. She wrote the song “We Are Proud to Be Asian” in response to the surge of Asian hate crimes across the country, resulting in 20 thousand views on youtube, and major press like The Boston Globe, BBC, WGBH. She directed the Asian American and Pacific Islander History Inclusion Benefit Concert at Lexington High School, which raised over 16K. She led students and collaborated with administrators to successfully implement an Asian American History ethnic history course within Lexington High School in the 2023-2024 school year.
Katherine Yang is a senior at Alpharetta High School, concurrently enrolled at Georgia Tech. Katherine has interned in software programming at Armatura USA and development at Liucas Technology's EduConnect Project. An AP Scholar with Distinction and Super Honor Roll status, she is also active in leadership roles such as a Youth Ambassador for 21st Century Leaders in Georgia and officer in the National Honor Society and Women in STEM.In 2021, she co-founded the non-profit "You & Me" and has received multiple community service awards, including the President's Volunteer Service Gold Medal and Shine a light Award in both 2021 and 2022. She achieved the Mjstase Young Achiever Award and North American Prominent Chinese High School Student Public Service Scholarship. She has consistently gained admission to the 21st Century Leaders Summer Youth Leadership Institute, as well as being accepted into Georgia Tech's Cyber Security Camp.For the past 12 years, she passionately pursued dance, capturing multiple top overall national awards as a soloist and earning international honors in ensemble categories. She aspires to becoming a female leader in the STEM industry.
Annie Lin, Class of 2024 at North Atlanta High School, is a 2023 Georgia Youth Leadership Award winner. As founder and president of First Step team under Shine-A-Light, she has grown the team to 130 people, organized over 120 events, and raised over $8,000 for charities in the past two years. Annie has also demonstrated outstanding leadership in school. She is a cadet major in the US Army JROTC, was on the brigade staff, and has been a Superintendent's Young Ambassador. She was awarded the 2023 JROTC Medal by the Military Officers Association of America. While performing extensive community services, Annie maintains excellent academic performance and high-quality extracurriculars. She loves music and was selected into the Atlanta Young Singers in second grade. She has enjoyed singing in this renowned chorus for ten years. She is also the principal second violinist of the Atlanta Public Schools Honors Orchestra and often represents the school and district in various performances and competitions.
Nicholas Wang, an 11th-grade student at Durham Academy in North Carolina, is a well-rounded and accomplished individual, excelling academically in both liberal arts and sciences. A standout member of the school's Science Olympiad team, he achieved the title of individual state runner-up in the Forestry event in 2023. This past summer, Nicholas's computational modeling project received commendation from Wolfram Research, highlighting his dedication to research and innovation. This fall, Nicholas is continuing this passion for research through a semester-long group project, collaborating with groupmates effectively. Nicholas also contributes his talents as a columnist for the school newspaper and has received multiple awards in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards competition, underscoring his creativity and writing skills. Yet, Nicholas's versatility extends beyond academics. He is a notable member of the school's Varsity cross-country running team and additionally, he is a skilled saxophone player in his rock band. He was also part of the school's third-place chess team in 2021. Having been elected as Class President every year of his high school career, as well as actively participating in the Social Events Committee, Nicholas has an ability to inspire and organize his peers effectively. Outside of school, Nicholas is deeply committed to community service. He serves as the co-president of the volunteer organization AYLUS-Chapel Hill and has been recognized with the President's Volunteer Service Award four times, illustrating his strong dedication to making a positive impact on his community.
Alexis Ma从中学开始就加入True Love组织。这是一个专门照顾和服务在美华裔患有孤独症的孩子的慈善组织。她带领孩子们去夏令营,号召她的朋友们一起参加慈善活动。在她自己的学校创立了一个叫做Care for Hope的组织。这个组织专门为有特殊需要的孩子服务。在她的领导下,不断发展壮大。为社区作出很大贡献。
Emily Zhao在2021年做了超过150小时的义工,包括在她的学校和You & Me, True Love 等项目团队中。她还义务为老人,退伍军人等表演舞蹈和小提琴。她还在多个组织和团队中担任发起人或领队,展现了她的领导能力。曾经多次获奖。她的音乐艺术天分也让她多次在美国的各种竞赛中获奖。
Yunyifei Yang 从2018年开始为美中下一代教育基金会做义工。她专门学习了新的软件工具Salesforce, 她帮助整理,添加和更新了200多个受助孩子的资料。她用自己的零花钱长期资助一个贫困的孩子。 她积极进取的态度和独立完成任务的能力收到大家的赞赏。
Kevin在小学时就加入了Junior Beta俱乐部。从初中开始在不同的地点为各种组织做志愿者。在七年级时加入一个名为C5 Georgia的组织。这是一个为其五年的青少年领导力训练项目。每年都要求一定时间的志愿服务。Kevin获得了”High Potential Youth”称号。他还参加了为自闭症孩子的服务工作,并且出售T恤衫为慈善事业筹集资金。他的团队曾赢得GATA Middle School State冠军。
Angela2018年从中国来美国以后就开始参加美中下一代教育基金会的义务工作。 她翻译了16890字的文稿。她还为基金会设计了第一张海报。她积极鼓励她的家人参加基金会义工。通过卖橘子为基金会筹集了400美元。在中国她也同样参加了帮助少数民族的义务工作。